

“The task of delivering an update of our Mission, Vision and Values along with a 5 year strategy required me to be in the detail on lots of different areas and collaborate with many. Jess’ design and facilitation of the sessions enabled me to do this, participate and step back and look holistically at the project. Her design ensured voices from all parts of the organisation were heard and she facilitated with energy and enthusiasm bringing everyone on the journey with us. Her candour and challenge were also refreshing and helpful in ensuring all the right decisions were made along the way. Jess is now supporting our Head of People in integrating the Values and ensuring they are lived and I look forward to seeing their impact long term. I’d highly recommend her”
— Sam Owen. COO The Design Museum

We’ve been working with the Design Museum since early 2023 and the more projects we do together, the more we learn about them. From their culture and ways of working through to their challenges and opportunities to develop. This enables us to co-create the perfect interventions to support them.

We currently support them with their manager development, parent support & their culture evolution project.

Read on to learn more about the above, but first hear what their COO, Sam Owen, has to say about working with us…

Our first interaction with the design Museum came from a need identified in feedback from performance reviews. Managers were looking for support in delivering feedback to their reports, specifically those who were in the Gen Z age bracket. Many managers felt that because of the difference in age, that they wanted to better understand the group and how to feed back when things were going right or needed redirecting.

Manager Masterclasses

We designed a two part face to face session, firstly where we built knowledge in intrinsic motivation by considering what gets this group out of bed in the mornings and assessing their team against UK and worldwide data trends. Managers then went back to work and applied their learning by trying to tap into the intrinsic motivations of their teams and build stronger connections.

We then met again, this time for a practical Feedback Delivery Masterclass. Managers learned the neuroscience behind people’s response to feedback, assessed what their team needed to keep them open to feedback and tips on how to manage reactions. We then got into planning and practise so everyone went back to work confident in what to say and how to deliver.

I especially enjoyed the role play and it helped me approach a challenging conversation the very next day. It wasn't as skilful and perfect as I'd hoped, but I was honestly planning not to address it, so that feels like a win…”

Manager & Learner, Design Museum

The Design Museum wanted to revamp the support the offered to their employees becoming parents.

Parent Support Coaching

They invested in 1:1 coaching with us to support parents in navigating the transition from pregnancy, to maternity leave and the return to work. We have designed a programme that supports parents and carers across 4 1:1 60 minute coaching sessions. Below is our recommendation but we flex this based on an individuals needs.

The Design Museum has undergone a big project to redesign their Mission, Vision and Values and to design a 5 year strategy that achieves them. We worked closely with their COO to design this process and then supported its delivery by facilitating the group sessions.

Phase 1: Values & Behaviours

We ran a series of focus groups using voices from across the organisation to input into their values creation. Bringing together people from across teams and tenures to capture what makes the Design Museum special including the absolute must haves for how people behave. It was a lively and interactive session! After deciding on what is most important to them, we dug into what that looks like in the day to day so that it could be brought to life and measured against. The team also assessed where they are performing currently against these and created an action plan for further aligning. We are working with the people team to roll them out across the organisation and to get them connected to and lived.

Phase 2: 5 year Strategy

Off the back of the creation of the Mission and Vision, we worked with the COO to co-design a flow of sessions to build out their 5 year plan.   

  • Stakeholders from across the organisation had a voice

  • Departments were pulled out of silos and cross collaborated on the 5 year plan.

  • We ran Head of Department workshops and some with directors. Objectives were then taken by cross functional teams to build out a plan and communicated back to the wider group

The Design Museum wanted to further develop their managers skills.

THRIVE for Managers Open Programme

We are excited to be partnering with the Design Museum on our new THRIVE for Managers programme. They sent two of their managers on our first open cohort (began June 2024.) We can’t wait to have them on board, and get their feedback on the programme once it is finished. WB and the Design Museum have growth and feedback embedded in our values so this is a great opportunity for us both to bring them to life!

Read more of our Partnership case studies…