Our People
Culture Builder,
1:1 & Team Coach,
Leadership & Performance Specialist,
INSIGHTS Practitioner,
& LOVES a knotty problem.
Learning Expert,
Transformative Coach,
Parent Transition Specialist,
Inclusion Champion,
& LOVES a neuroscience nugget.
WB started as an idea brewed over many a coffee in South London.
Two people professionals. Mums. Who love their work and their families.
Craving flexibility and the opportunity to make a difference.
Having seen their fair share of great and not so great cultures and learning interventions...
Knowing there is a different way not just for them but for all.
Our business is built on a foundation of friendship, purpose, and growth.
We share a passion for a more human approach to work & a belief that this superpowers impact & performance, instead of being at odds with it.
Our Story
Let’s Chat.
Book in a free discovery call with us.
You will leave feeling clearer & with an understanding of what partnering with us could look like.