Our Newsletters

Calling all Leaders & People People!

In a world that is fast-paced and information overload is the norm, we promise to deliver to you an easy-to-digest, actionable newsletter that will support you and your people to thrive at work (in just 5 mins!)

Find our past editions and sign up below…

Goal Setting

We are big believers of "start with the end in mind" (Covey), we are here to help you create your 2024 vision and outline the goals and habits you need to reach it!

Released January 2024.


Feedback...the key to growth or a sweat-inducing experience? We walk you through the brain's response to feedback and how you and your team can deliver it to maximise the impact on behaviour and performance!

Released February 2024.

1:1 Conversations

Companies with managers who prioritise frequent 1:1s report engagement levels nearly 3 x higher than those that do not (Gallup.) Dive into how to boost yours and your teams performance with top tips for holding 1:1s and a fab Manager 101 cheatsheet.

Released March 2024.

Conscious Self-Leadership

Discover how mastering the skill of conscious self-leadership can transform your approach to stress, enhance well-being and supercharge your performance.

Released April 2024.


Dive headfirst into Coaching with us…specifically how as a Leader or Manager you can draw on the skills of coaching to get the best from your team.

Released May 2024.

High Performing Teams

Teamwork makes the dream work right? High performing teams don't just happen, they are cultivated and this month we are here to share how you can create them!

Released June 2024.


Communication tips to help you and your team thrive in our VUCA world. We look at 3 areas critical when communicating in the current work landscape; hybrid/remote work, navigating change and influencing.

Released July 2024.