Are you ready

to be energised?

At WB, we believe in creating thriving learning ecosystems that energise organisations & foster growth at every level.

Your people.

Your teams.

Your leaders.

All need the right knowledge, skills and attitude to drive brilliant outcomes for your business.

Our Flagship Courses are:

Some more of our most popular learning interventions…

Dive into our Brochure for more courses and details…

Our Approach

Cutting edge & sciencey*

(*but not too sciencey!) All our solutions are informed by neuroscience and psychological theory. We know our stuff and share it in an easy to digest, practical way that drives behaviour change & boosts performance.

We get it... you’re busy!

So we design interventions to fit seamlessly into your day-to-day. Think bitesize learning, interactive toolkits & action learning in between spaced workshops. Maximum impact, minimum interruption.


We bring bundles of energy and a dash of playfulness to all our interactions, leaving a lasting impact on those we work with.

  • Thriving People

    Help your people unknot their wonderful brain, break through barriers, and energise themselves at work. Our interventions will set your people up to drive brilliant outcomes both in and out of work. 

    With bitesize knowledge boosters & practical workshops covering topics from delivering feedback to influencing, and 1:1 coaching for a more targeted approach.

  • Thriving Teams

    Mediocre performance comes from being so busy working 'in' the team that we don't work 'on' it. Work with us to enhance team dynamics, boost productivity, and foster a culture of trust and innovation.

    With INSIGHTS Psychometric testing through to targeted coaching, we’ve got your team covered.

  • Thriving Leaders & 'People People'

    All you leaders and ‘People people’ have a tough gig in these turbulent times. We’re here to maximise your impact with practical tools, insights and strategies (all backed by science).

    From our flagship Leadership programme 'THRIVE' to our Train the Trainer course- there's something to transform all of you.

What are you waiting for?

For a detailed list of our Learning interventions download our Learning Interventions Handbook.